Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Great Letter from Kimon Onuma

Here is a great and well written letter from Kimon Onuma, explaining the current dangers the AIA and the architectural community at large is facing...or not facing depending on how you look at it. I especially like the part,

"Imagine if authors and screenwriters depended on Microsfot for their creativity. Would they wait for the next version of MS Word to be able to put out a new novel? Do they look to Bill Gates for creativity beyond that of creating the software that they use to write that screenplay? That is where most architects are, we are looking to the software vendors to give us the answers..."

Interesting read and spot on accurate read to say the least.


Bob said...

This almost 3 year old POST deserves an update.

In the last 3 years much has changed and the IT world has largely embraced Cloud Computing, Agile Development, Significantly improved ability to track BIM projects in 3D, 4D, and 5D; and an outgoing member of the AIA Board has invited Finith and Kimon to present a "Back to the Post Carbon Future" set of scenarios for the June, 2013 AIA Conference in Denver.

In San Diego, as you may now, Kimon was a featured speaker at the TEDx City 2.0 event and made a strong case for applying BIM 5D constructs to redev cities such as San Diego. This exciting presentation was captured in Video and available here...

It is also highly instructive to note that Kimon had just left from his BIMStorm lecture at the SWC College -class developing Smart Building Technicians competent in applying Revit to design and commissioning projects.

Perhaps you yourself could ask Kimon for an update?

Thanks for the opportunity to comment.


architect11 said...

Bob -

Thanks for your follow up and yes this does deserve a revision or at least additional commentary as it is over three years old. I will follow on with Kimon to get an update as I believe it is good to get that additional perspective as well.

It has been an interesting evolution and mindest shift within the AECO industry as the perspectives around software "propriety" and information exchange that was held hostage has significantly changed.

As to your comment, I completely agree with you and the new horizon of democratization of information holds a lot of promise as does the rise of rapid application development to customize a nimble set of focused apps to meet specific needs throughout the informational lifecycle.

Appreciate the comment, good stuff and thanks for following.
