Thursday, July 19, 2007

gbXML - LEED and Energy Analysis

I don't know how many of you have started working with Revit and it's ability to export it's data into a gbXML format, but it's pretty amazing to work with. The "Green Building XML Schema" is really pretty effective once you have your model oriented and boxed up correctly. Here are a couple of hints before you use your model to run an energy analysis:

- Button down the hatches - make sure your walls aren't overlapping - and that everything is properly joined- (especially at the corners!) and inserted, including glazing within wall constraints, doors, you get the picture...

- Make sure your roof is accurate. You can model pitch, overhang and thickness really easily. (It's also interesting to play around a little with a roof that only has a thickness and is designated as "Insulation" you can assign r-values as well with your model - depending on how you have your RS Means assembly codes set up.) Make sure there aren't any holes or space between the walls and your roof.

- Obviously, make sure you have your model oriented to the correct "true north" orientation.

- Place in the coordinates of the project location. Revit has a bunch of default places under Settings> Manage Place and Locations...

- And lastly specify the type of project. This is under Settings>Project Information>Energy Data and then specify Office, Restaraunt, etc...

The website to use is

Register and then follow the directions. You will get 5 free "runs" for each new project (usually this is ample, unless you are going for a Gold/Platinum/or Living LEED certification.)

The web based program will provide:

- Industrial energy and resource flow analysis
- Actual and prototype building energy simulation (DOE-2)
- Building energy model calibration
- Resource sustainability analysis
- Whole-building and end-use level energy performance analysis
- Multi-facility energy performance analysis (monitoring and simulation)
- Energy performance class/competitor benchmarking
- Technical potential project screening
- International technology assessment

Make it Greener.

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